In a small Hungarian town, Öskü, there is a super innovative primary school, the Antal Tasner Primary School, which despite its small size, always votes for progress. They had a functional, slightly old-school website, which they wanted to replace with one, that the teachers can edit and update themselves to share the latest news with the parents and students.
Sometimes the most difficult task in such a project is to figure out what they want to share actually and find the appropriate content to be uploaded. Especially when the teachers have to fight their endless to do list, including tests to correct and classes to teach. To help them and kick start this project, we’ve done an audit on their former website, we’ve looked at what other schools share with their audience, then we’ve pulled together a proposal for their new menu and content structure. By merging the content of the old website and the new ideas, the teachers got a visual aid to picture their new webpage. After approving the structure, we started to work on uploading the content in phases to make it more effective.
After finishing the website, the teachers received a couple of hours of training on the functions and how to edit and upload content. Since then, their website is getting more and more colourful as they continuously share their news and proud moments.
Content Management System
Tasks completed
January 2019